I realized I forgot to post the photo of what our van looked like before it had any of our personal belongings packed into it. Here it is:
We had great auditions here in Faulkton. A much smaller group this week - 30 kids auditioned, and we ended up with 32 in our cast after adding a couple who were not able to attend the auditions. So, we have had the opposite challenge this week, trying to double cast and redistribute lines to fewer people. At least we didn't have to turn anyone away though! The kids are working hard and are very enthusiastic.
It is definitely fun being in a small town culture. You have to love a place where everyone knows exactly who you are simply because you are the ONLY person they don't know!
We went to find a place for dinner after rehearsal last night, and naturally google searched nearby restaurants. We selected one we had heard the locals talking about. I called to make sure they'd still be serving dinner when we got there, as we knew it was a few miles out of town. When the woman picked up the phone, I asked, "How late do you serve dinner?" And she said, "Well, how late are you comin'?" She explained that you sometimes closed by 10, (it was well before 10), but that she'd always stay open if she knew people were coming. As it turned out, it took us 30 minutes to get there!! We were sort of in shock - (30 minutes!), but I guess it was good that I called.
I promise we will be exploring Faulkton further and posting some pictures. But until then, I will leave you with a few of my favorite "Kids say the Darnedest Things" moments thus far.
*This one was from two weeks ago in Sioux Falls. We have a scene of Forest Animals in the show, and we had this adorable little guy playing Deer #2. The forest animals do not get scripts, so they learn all their lines audibly, by me saying it, and them repeating it back until they remember it. This method is fairly successful. In this case, the line was - "I'm Mule. How do you do?" He repeated it back to me several times correctly during the memorizing process. So, we go to run the scene, we get to his line, and he declares boldly - "I'm Gordon. Nice to meet ya!" I smiled and said - "Perfect!!" And he was Gordon for the rest of the week. I still don't know if he made a conscious decision to change his character's name or not. I'm pretty sure he thought he was absolutely right, which makes me happy.
*Upon casting the show, we hand out a letter about the schedule, attire, important info etc. And we always say - "Take this home and give this to the most responsible person in your household." This week, after announcing that, a little 6-year-old says - "I don't know why my Dad isn't responsible. He's just NOT." I got a good chuckle about that.
And lastly...
*After we announced the roles this week, we had a little man who raised his hand about 6 times to double check the schedule. He was really focusing on which days he needed to come to both sessions. (We have two two-hour sessions with a 30 minute dinner break in between. So, if kids are called for both sessions, they bring a sack dinner.) After I explained his schedule to him (and re-explained it a few times), I noticed him crying on his way out the door. I intercepted him before he left, afraid he thought his part was too small, and asked him what was wrong. Breaking down, he said to me - "I don't have to eat dinner here tomorrow or the next day, so I don't think my Dad is going to let me have a Lunchable." And he was really crying now. Really crying. So, I said, "Well, why don't you tell your dad you need to bring it for your snack break." And he replied, "No...it's the big one. I don't think he's gonna let me." I reminded him that he was playing the Bear - my very favorite part in the show! (Secret: they are all my very favorite part in the show.) And that seemed to cheer him up.
As Harrison pointed out - if not getting a Lunchable is enough to make you cry, then you are living a pretty great life.
Love and endless Lunchables to you,
Carolyn & Harrison